
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.


In order to get the most out of CreateTOTALLY, there are a few requirements that will need todone in advance:

Install new plugins

Your design team will need to install plugins to allow them to prepare artwork for the platform. The plugins can be downloaded here. These plugins are:

  • StudioCraft for InDesign - a plugin for InDesign to allow InDesign documents to be prepared
  • StudioCraft for After Effects - a helper app that will pre-flight and package After Effects projects ready for upload
  • StudioLink - this app allows users to download automated project files and amend them

Check the site/ plugins aren’t being blocked by your firewall settings

There are a number domains that our software utilises that will need to be accessible within your network in order for our software to work:

1. https://*.createtotally.io

Your organisation will have their own personalised URL, which will be a secure subdomain of createtotally.io, e.g. https://your-env.createtotally.io. For users to access the site, you will need to make sure it is not blocked by your firewall.

We send emails from createtotally.io. Please make sure this domain is whitelisted so that our emails are delivered.

2. https://*.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com

All of our data is hosted in AWS. Certain users will need to upload and download files from here, so it's important that your firewall allows access to the file server. If you think this could be an issue, we can provide you with the address of your organisation's file server.

3. https://*.ziflow.io

Artwork proofs are reviewed in Ziflow, an enterprise grade online proofing tool. To be able to review artwork, users will need to be able to access this domain. They will also need to allow 3rd party cookies. Without these enabled, they will not be able to leave comments on proofs. 

If you manage browser settings globally, these may need to be modified to enable users to use the platform correctly.

4. https://miid7lt1gj.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com

Our plugins are licensed to specific users. To manage these licences, they need to be able to connect to the licence server.

In order to get the most out of CreateTOTALLY, there are a few requirements that will need todone in advance:

Install new plugins

Your design team will need to install plugins to allow them to prepare artwork for the platform. The plugins can be downloaded here. These plugins are:

  • StudioCraft for InDesign - a plugin for InDesign to allow InDesign documents to be prepared
  • StudioCraft for After Effects - a helper app that will pre-flight and package After Effects projects ready for upload
  • StudioLink - this app allows users to download automated project files and amend them

Check the site/ plugins aren’t being blocked by your firewall settings

There are a number domains that our software utilises that will need to be accessible within your network in order for our software to work:

1. https://*.createtotally.io

Your organisation will have their own personalised URL, which will be a secure subdomain of createtotally.io, e.g. https://your-env.createtotally.io. For users to access the site, you will need to make sure it is not blocked by your firewall.

We send emails from createtotally.io. Please make sure this domain is whitelisted so that our emails are delivered.

2. https://*.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com

All of our data is hosted in AWS. Certain users will need to upload and download files from here, so it's important that your firewall allows access to the file server. If you think this could be an issue, we can provide you with the address of your organisation's file server.

3. https://*.ziflow.io

Artwork proofs are reviewed in Ziflow, an enterprise grade online proofing tool. To be able to review artwork, users will need to be able to access this domain. They will also need to allow 3rd party cookies. Without these enabled, they will not be able to leave comments on proofs. 

If you manage browser settings globally, these may need to be modified to enable users to use the platform correctly.

4. https://miid7lt1gj.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com

Our plugins are licensed to specific users. To manage these licences, they need to be able to connect to the licence server.