Master Template preparation checklist
Before you start to run a campaign, you need to test that your master templates are working as you expect them to. Before testing, make sure you've set-up the following:
- Have you tested the template re-sizes as you expect it to in StudioCraft - make sure to test as many of the placement sizes as you can (InDesign only)
- Have you uploaded all your project files?
- Have you analysed your project?
- Have you attached your translation form?
- Are the start, end and copy dates for your
- Have you requested for the project fonts to be installed by CreateTOTALLY?
- Have font overrides been set-up for the non-Latin based languages that require a different font?
- Are all the placements and formats you require set-up?
Creating a test plan
The easiest way to create a test plan is using bulk content.
Navigate to Media Plan > Import content plan
Give the plan a clear name like "Campaign name test plan DDYYMM"
Select the Campaign, Media Type, Market and Country (make sure your placements are set up for your selected country)
Select the Master Templates you want to test and download the spreadsheet
Complete the details with the placements and languages you want to test for each of the selected Master Templates. Its a good idea to make sure you test at least the following:
- All fonts are rendering as expected
- Languages with non-Roman fonts are rendering as expected based on the set-up font overrides
- Image/ video customisation is appearing as expected (if required)
- Text is re-sizing as expected - test this with the longest language that you need to build adaptations for
Once you've completed the spreadsheet, upload it and create your plan.
Review the details on-screen and then check the checkboxes and submit.
Each row will be rendered out and when complete the status will change to the first artwork review status and a thumbnail will appear. When this happens, you will be able to click on the row to view the insertion. If you are on the approval workflow, you can review the artwork in detail by clicking review. If not, add yourself to the review stage to achieve this.
Testing changes to the Master Template
If any of the master templates require changes, you can make changes to the artwork and re-upload in the file tree. Once you've done that, click submit row against each of the adaptations you want to see with the new template This will render the adaptation with the latest template. Repeat this until you are happy with the results.
You can also add new adaptations to the plan, by clicking the Add new placement button at the bottom of the screen or cloning an existing row. You will then be able to complete the details of the adaptation you require.
Note: If you have a large number of sizes to create, you might not want to test them all. In this case, it might be faster to use the Checkout functionality to download the rendered adaptation and make changes to the artwork.